“The Buffy comparisons are as obvious as they are unnecessary. There's nothing so reassuring as Buffy's 'old vampires are powerful, magic is evil' rules in Lantern. Instead there's a very human, very funny story about teenagers making their peace with their weird, alien world. It's more Stranger Things than Buffy, more Being Human than True Blood and it's infinitely stronger for it…”

—Alasdair Stuart

Her Campus

“Based in the fictional town of Lantern, North Carolina, this fun and spooky audio drama follows best friends Peter and Sally throughout their monster-logging adventures and the interpersonal drama surrounding their encounters. Written and directed by Elinor Bonifant, this podcast was produced through Emerson College in North Carolina. The immersive audio engineering and talented voice actors work well together to produce a comedic story featuring cryptids, haunted places and mysteries!”

-Madison Whisenand


“Trapped in Boston Logan Airport during a flight delay, junior Elinor Bonifant hastily connected to the slower-than-molasses public wi-fi. Bonifant submitted the first season of her original podcast, The Haunted Hour, to the 38th EVVY awards while waiting for her flight—she did not expect to become the first winner of the new Outstanding Podcast category in April…”

—Kaitlyn Mettetal


“The Haunted Hour is one of the most eclectic, diverse, and well-executed shows I’ve had the pleasure of tuning into on WECB.”

—Liam Thomas